Los mejores artículos sobre periodismo: marzo 2018

Los mejores artículos de marzo 2018

Marzo ha sido el mes en el que Facebook ha recibido sus mayores críticas en muchos años. Ha estallado el escándalo de Cambridge Analytica y los medios de comunicación están diseñando nuevas perspectivas para distribuir sus contenidos. El 4YFN, por otro lado, nos ha llevado nuevos escenarios a partir del trabajo de centenares de startups. Estos son los mejores artículos sobre periodismo, redes sociales y marketing de contenidos

4YFN: Sobre asistentes por voz, el audiovisual del futuro y mercados emergentes | Next Media

How Hearst Newspapers changes its paywall to drive reader loyalty | Digiday

Journalists and tech companies are teaming up to fight fake news about the Mexican election | Poynter

You can watch Netflix on any screen you want, but you’re probably watching it on a TV | Recode

With Lab 351, The Globe and Mail is creating both new products and a culture of “bottom-up” innovation | Nieman Lab

Breitbart’s readership plunges | Politico

Google invierte 300 millones en periodismo digital para frenar las noticias falsas | Ticbeat

Automated Journalism – AI Applications at New York Times, Reuters, and Other Media Giants | Tech Emergence

Mobile Video Tops 60% Of Video Plays Globally | MediaPost

The rise of ‘fake news’ is producing a record number of journalism majors | Market Watch

Journalism and artificial intelligence: some notes | Charlie Beckett

De la era de la información a la era de la reputación | Enrique Dans

The Ethical Challenges of Immersive Journalism | Mediashift

In lawsuit over Trump’s Twitter activity, judge suggests: Mute critics, don’t block | CNN Money

‘Elected to lead, not to proofread’: Typos, spelling mistakes are commonplace in Trump’s White House | The Washington Post

The podcasting juggernaut has finally arrived | Wired

La posverdad según Iñaki Gabilondo | Dircom Catalunya

“I tried to deal with numbers as professional as I could. But behind these, there were people, and I couldn’t run away from it” says Ferran Morales | DInfografia

T Brand Studio: 12 Tips for Creating Killer Content | Native Advertising Institute

El escándalo Cambridge Analytica | Trumpland Media

How Trump Consultants Exploited the Facebook Data of Millions | New York Times

Mark Zuckerberg Thinks We’re Idiots | Monday Note

BuzzFeed’s Jonah Peretti: Platforms need to pay publishers or risk regulation | Digiday

How National Geographic acknowledged its racist past | The Guardian

The Telegraph launches new tech section with 15 staffers | Digiday

Quin periodisme estem fent? | Catalunya Ràdio

How digital leaders from the BBC and Al Jazeera are planning for the ethics of AI | Nieman Lab

45 Best Content Curation Tools For Fail-Proof Marketing Automation | Optinmonster

Informe sobre el estado de las agencias y consultoras de comunicación y RRPP 2018 | UOC

Berliner Morgenpost and National Geographic win Best of Show Award | Malofiej Awards

Nic Newman: ‘Journalists need to reconnect with their readers’ | Next media

El compromiso del periodista en la era de la posverdad | Observa RSE

How the New York Times is convincing commercial partners to pay for its journalism | The Drum

Evgeny Morozov: «»No podemos ser tecnócratas con Facebook o Google, la propiedad de nuestros datos es un problema político» | eldiario.es