Los 100 mejores artículos sobre comunicación de 2020

Este 2020 que dejamos ha sido un año disruptor en muchos sentidos. No solo por la pandemia global que hemos vivido. Han sido 12 meses llenos de contenidos muy potentes sobre comunicación, periodismo, medios, redes sociales y transformación digital. Por este motivo, los que estáis aconstumbrados a leer el resumen que hago sobre periodismo, este año amplio el foco con temáticas que me interesan en el ámbito de la comunicación.
2.RTVE busca un ‘robot’ para redactar noticias sobre partidos de fútbol | Voz Populi
3.La desinformación que viene en 2020| MiquelPellicer.com
4.La caída de la televisión tradicional sigue en 2019: no crece la inversión ni el consumo | Marketing Directo
5.How a Brit turned ‘The New York Times’ into a symbol of hope for newspapers | iNews
6.It’s Easy to Be a Jerk on Twitter. And Twitter Wants to Fix That | Wired
7.The Athletic reaches $500 million valuation in sign investors are bullish on subscriptions | Axios
8.Here’s how The New York Times tested blockchain to help you identify faked photos on your timeline | NiemanLab
9.The Essential Clayton Christensen Articles | Harvard Business Review
10.TikTok makes education push in India | TechCrunch
11.¿Qué podemos aprender con el accidente mortal de Kobe Bryant y de su hija Gigi? | MiquelPellicer.com
12.Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard | Hootsuite
13.Guardian to ban advertising from fossil fuel firms | The Guardian
14.YouTube, Facebook, Twitter Try To Crack Down On Coronavirus Conspiracies | Tubefilter
15.Misinformation about the coronavirus is threatening to overwhelm tech platforms | The Verge
16.As the coronavirus spreads, misinformation is spreading even faster | The Guardian
17.Publishers are growing audiences by producing less content | Digiday
18.¿Cómo está impactando la desinformación sobre la crisis del coronavirus? | MiquelPellicer.com
19.La publicidad en abril presenta una caída cercana al 50% en TV, prensa y radio | PR Noticias
20.Récord histórico de consumo televisivo en abril en pleno confinamiento | Panorama Audiovisual
21.Este es el perfil de los 16,3 millones de españoles que disfrutan de tv de pago | Panorama Audiovisual
22.Mark Thompson: “La pandemia demuestra el valor de noticias confiables» | CNN Business
23.TikTok Crosses 2 Billion Downloads After Best Quarter For Any App Ever | SensorTower
24.Where Are the Photos of People Dying of Covid? | The New York Times
25.The Virus Changed the Way We Internet | The New York Times
26.La televisión en tiempos de confinamiento | Innovación Audiovisual
27.How a Boston Globe website started connecting those in need because of coronavirus with those who can help | NiemanLab
28.Five Chatbots that combat fake news on the COVID19 | Dinfografia by Maria Crosas
29.Ana Frank, convertida en ‘youtuber’ en una adaptación de su diario | Verne
30.Mapa de Medios 2020 | Ymedia Vizeum
31.Subscriptions are not going to work for everyone, and here’s why | What’s New in Publishing
32.Cinco ideas que pueden ayudar a innovar en los medios, según el gerente de BBC Labs | Laboratorio de Periodismo
33.El negocio del pódcast: buscando las fuentes de su rentabilidad | Telos Fundación Teléfonica
34.Five digital subscription trends for publishers, in charts | What’s New in Publishing
35.Searchlight y ForgeLight adquieren la mayoría accionarial de Univision | Univision
36.Byte is about to pay $250,000 to creators for good videos | The Verge
37.The Wall Street Journal joins The New York Times in the 2 million digital subscriber club | NiemanLab
38.¿Cómo TikTok puede ayudar a tu empresa? | MiquelPellicer.com
39.ESPN streaming rival DAZN pushes major international expansion | Axios
40.Dos de cada tres mujeres periodistas denuncian la falta de expectativas de promoción en su trabajo | lamarea.com
41.Diez recursos sobre el coronavirus para periodistas | #RedDePeriodistas
42.Un periodismo deportivo sin competiciones, una oportunidad para reinventarse | Periodismo Deportivo de Calidad
43.Por qué piden ayuda los medios por el coronavirus | El Post Blanco
44.Prepárese para una crisis. Está aquí al lado…. | Comunica Tu Crisis por Agustín Rodríguez
45.UK national newspaper sales plummet under Covid-19 lockdown | The Guardian
46.Sostenibilidad (o viabilidad) de los medios durante la pandemia | SembraMedia
47.The Fate of the News in the Age of the Coronavirus | The New Yorker
48.Consejos y recomendaciones para gestionar la comunicación en tiempos de Covid-19 | MiquelPellicer.com
49.How to Inspire Your Teams During the COVID-19 Crisis | PRSay
50.Bloomberg to launch «Screentime,» a new entertainment vertical | Axios
51.How publishers worldwide are using different business models to grow revenue: Highlights from FIPP’s Innovation in Media Report | What’s New in Publishing
52.La pandemia de información según Whitney Phillips | Digital Future Society
53.How COVID-19 Has Impacted Media Consumption, by Generation | Visual Capitalist
54.The Times Is Encouraging Everyone to Support Their Local News Outlets | The New York Times
55.Chatbots y asistentes de voz, una oportunidad en la gestión de crisis sanitarias | TicBeat
56.¿Importa el periodismo? Entrevista a Michael Schudson de la Columbia Journalism School | Social Trends Institute
57.El informe de Mary Meeker sobre las tendencias de la pandemia | MiquelPellicer.com
58.Fake news y COVID-19: el otro virus | UOC News
59.News publishers new tactic: Emphasize the good news to lure back coronavirus-weary advertisers | Digiday
60.El renacer de las newsletters: escritores y artistas le dan un giro personal a una clásica herramienta de marketing | Vogue España
61.Journalists get caught in the crosshairs as protests unfold | Axios
62.Digital News Report 2020: resumen ejecutivo y hallazgos clave | Reuters Institute
64.Engagement over revenue: How The New York Times has reoriented its events internationally | Digiday
65.As TikTok grapples with weightier topics, journalists are tuning in to deliver the news | Poynter
66.Why are millennials and Gen Z turning to Instagram as a news source? | The Guardian
67.New York Times Hits 7 Million Subscribers as Digital Revenue Rises| The New York Times
68.People pay for news that reinforces their social identities | American Press Institute
69.As the BBC’s Twitter stars fall silent, their boss looks further afield | The Guardian
70.La directora de contenidos y publicidad de Spotify explica cuál es el plan de la compañía para revolucionar la industria del podcast | Business Insider
71.After reaching profitability in 2019, Politico EU aims for 10% revenue growth this year | Digiday
72.How Sportswriters Capture the Action From Outside the NBA Bubble | Daily Beast
73.Realizing Good Intentions? A Field Experiment of Slow News Consumption and News Fatigue | Journalism Practice
74.Publish less, but publish better: pivoting to paid in local news | Reuters Institute
75.Why we made a Chicano Moratorium project zine | Los Angeles Times
76.Journalists Are Leaving the Noisy Internet for Your Email Inbox | The New York Times
77.Hack-and-leak en las elecciones de EE.UU: Filtraciones que también pueden desinformar |RTVE
78.The Power of TikTok | Kantar
79.How algorithms discern our mood from what we write online | Knowable Magazine
80.Los periodistas rusos cambian la televisión por YouTube | IJNET
81.Five tips from The Economist to perfect your newsletter strategy | Journalism.co.uk
82.Valuing journalism in a world of near-infinite content | Reuters Institute
83.The Supply of Disinformation Will Soon Be Infinite | The Atlantic
84.US election 2020: TikTok gets pulled into the campaigns | BBC
85.Alan Rusbridger on how to manage perpetual newsroom change: ‘I’m your leader, trust me – is not going to work’ | PressGazette
86.Here’s how entrepreneurial local journalists are fighting back against Alden Global Capital | NiemanLab
87.Así se construye el marketing del k-pop | Xiana Siccardi
88.The Smaller, Smarter Future Of Agencies | Forrester
89.How leading Canadian publisher, The Globe and Mail, is building the “newsroom of the future” | What’s New in Publishing
90.10 claves sobre las elecciones presidenciales de los Estados Unidos | ElNacional.cat
91.Qué es lo que quieren los consumidores para pagar por las noticias |IJNET
92.With many children still learning from home, kid-focused news products aim to fill some gaps | NiemanLab
93.Why the Philadelphia Inquirer is investing in service journalism | American Press Institute
94.8 Reasons Why Email Newsletters Are a Game-Changer for Local News | Local News Initiative
95.COVID cases are spiking, but our attention isn’t | Axios
96.We design maps for a living. Here’s who got the 2020 election right | Fast Company
97.The Substackerati | Columbia Journalism Review
98.How Spotify is Killing the Open Podcast Ecosystem | Singhkays.com
99.This Was the Year When Everything Became TV | The New York Times
100.The definitive ranking of streaming services as we head into 2021 | Fast Company
101.The nine challenges PR will face after the pandemic | Global Alliance