Los 100 mejores artículos sobre comunicación de 2021

Una nueva selección de los artículos que han marcado el 2021, en el ámbito del periodismo, la comunicación, las tendencias sobre medios y las redes sociales. Esta es una curación de contenidos con más de un centenar de artículos y referencias de diferentes fuentes de información.
Tengo que confesarte que este 2021, esta curación de contenidos está destilada gracias a la newsletter #ComunicaciónQueImporta, el proyecto que hace ya unos meses empecé a trabajar en la plataforma Substack.
Hace unos días me preguntaron en Twitter si la curación de contenidos era un formato periodístico. Buena pregunta ante el reto de realizar un servicio, un perfil periodístico y un formato. Aquí plasmo unas cuantas ideas, tendencias y temas que han sido importantes durante los últimos doce meses.
1. Journalism, media, and technology trends and predictions 2021 | Reuters Institute
2. COVID-19 and the rise of journalistic product innovation | WAN-IFRA
3. Social media managers grapple with burnout, leaving the industry | Digiday
4. After 50 years, the Pentagon Papers give up their final secrets | The Guardian
5. Redefining CSR: What It Means To Be Socially Responsible During A Pandemic | Forbes
6. It’s time to end the panel discussion format | Columbia Journalism Review
7. The Bernie Sanders Meme Proves the Internet Is Resetting | Wired
8. How Participatory Media Promote Coverage of Social Movements | NiemanLab
9. The media can be glad for the Biden White House’s return to normalcy. But let’s not be lulled | The Washington Post
10. The future of social networks might be audio | MIT Technology Review
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11. Curación de noticias en el correo electrónico: análisis de newsletters periodísticas españolas | Revista Latina de Comunicación Social
12. La desinformación explota en Telegram | El País
13. Is Substack the Media Future We Want? | The New Yorker
14. The Absurd Logic of Internet Recipe Hacks | The Atlantic
15. Los medios de Ibai | The Muffin
16. ¿Una nueva edad de oro de la comunicación oral? | Hipermediaciones
17. How to Collaborate Effectively If Your Team Is Remote | Harvard Business Review
18. 15 ideas sobre periodismo y extrema derecha para informar de manera responsable | Mèdia.cat
19. Your tweet goes viral. Here come the companies asking you to sell their crap | VOX
20. Curación de contenidos para periodistas: un modelo simple basado en el framework SALSA | Lluís Codina
21. NFT y medios de comunicación: claves de desarrollo | MiquelPellicer.com
22. The 40 Best Freelancer Tools, According to Expert Marketers | Raisin Bread
23. ¿Quién es el monstruo? El ‘true crime’ en la encrucijada | Xiana Siccardi
24. New royals, new media | Axios Media Trends
25. For Creators, Everything Is for Sale | The New York Times
26. Storytelling, humor y redes sociales: el perfil de Twitter del Coronavirus | UOC News
27. WhatsApp thinks business chat is the future — but it won’t be easy | Protocol
28. ¿Cómo crear la voz de una marca para asistentes virtuales y altavoces inteligentes? | Roberto Carreras
29. If you’re worried that journalists have learned nothing from the Trump years | Press Think
30. Reforzar la cultura corporativa, clave para el éxito del trabajo híbrido | RRHH Digital
31. 7 questions to help local media rebound in 2021 | American Press Institute
32. Siembra odio y recogerás votos. La hoja de ruta del populismo en la conquista del poder’ | Carmela Ríos
33. Think of NFTs As a Brush | Vulture
34. What really happened at Basecamp | Platformer
35. ‘Booktokers’: los nuevos prescriptores de libros están en TikTok | Coolt
36. Un medio creado por refugiados: del periodismo de guerra en Siria al reporterismo local en España | eldiario.es
37. The Computers Are Getting Better at Writing | The New Yorker
38. A divided nation flocks to partisan brands | Axios
39. The Washington Post will soon have a woman as its top editor. And yes, that matters | The Washington Post
40. Food52’s Secret Recipe for Building a $100 Million Media Empire | Fast Company
41. Picking the right structure for your newsletter | Revue
42. How This Capsule Newsletter From Politico Graduated to Its Permanent Roster| AdWeek
43. The World’s Top 50 Influencers Across Social Media Platforms | Visual Capitalist
44. Mail-In Voter Fraud: Anatomy of a Disinformation Campaign | Berkman Klein Center
45. ‘Distribution is something computers can do better’: The Globe and Mail’s AI startup begins to make in-roads | Digiday
46. How BBC News Labs uses AI-powered content automation to engage young audiences | WAN-IFRA
47. How The Dallas Morning News expanded its hyperlocal journalism through a web hub and newsletter initiative | Better News
48. European Commission Guidance on Strengthening the Code of Practice on Disinformation | European Comission
49. It’s fruitless to debate the culture-war confections of the rightwing press | The Guardian
50. Five must-join Telegram channels on news media | The Fix
51. Yes, algorithms can be biased. But they have an even bigger danger | Fast Company
52. El imperio de los sentidos | Collateral Bits
53. La lucha geopolítica por controlar los servidores que sostienen internet | El Orden Mundial
54. How TikTok became a ‘credible voice’ in football during Euro 2020 | The Drum
55. The Next Big Social Network Trend? Shotform Audio | The Verge
56. The rise of the truth industry | New Humanist
57. QAnon has receded from social media — but it’s just hiding | AP
58. Why is it so difficult to stop abuse on social media? | Sky News
59. Individuals Now Spend More Time On TikTok Than YouTube, Facebook, Netflix | TubeFilter
60. Inside Politico’s Billion-Dollar Drama | The New York Times
61. What It’s Like To Be A Woman Reporting On The Taliban: ‘They Don’t Look At You’ | NPR
62. WhatsApp y Google Form, las armas digitales para salvar a los afganos | MIT Technology Review
63. How Spain’s Ac2ality became Europe’s biggest TikTok news player | The Fix
64. Inteligencia Artificial para periodistas | Prodigioso Volcán
65. Lametones de oreja, jacuzzis y tragaperras: la guerra de Twitch que arrastra a una generación de ‘streamers’ | eldiario.es
66. Substack’s global expansion is risky business | Rest of World
67. Facebook Wants Us to Live in the Metaverse | The NewYorker
68. What I learned from a year on Substack | Platformer
69. A horrifying new AI app swaps women into porn videos with a click | MIT Technology Review
70. Fueling the Fire: How Social Media Intensifies U.S. Political Polarization — And What Can Be Done About It | New York University
71. How “engagement” makes you vulnerable to manipulation and misinformation on social media | NiemanLab
72. Some of the most iconic 9/11 news coverage is lost. Blame Adobe Flash | CNN
73. 20 Years After 9/11, Surveillance Has Become a Way of Life | Wired
74. Companies are coworking in the metaverse to stave off Zoom burnout and spark new types of collaboration | Digiday
75. Stimulating the Imagination in a Radio Story: The Role of Presentation Structure and the Degree of Involvement of the Listener | Journal of Radio & Audio Media
76. Inside the Podcast Brain: Why Do Audio Stories Captivate? | The Atlantic
77. Una manera diferente de interactuar y descubrir nuevas recetas y productos | Newsroom TikTok
78. Misinformation is a global problem. One of the solutions might work across continents too | NiemanLab
79. Cuando la profesión periodística llegó a la universidad | Blog Juan Pablo Torrents-Faura
80. How China Weaponized The Press | The Atlantic
81. Patricia Simón: “Entiendo el ejercicio del periodismo como algo colectivo” | UOC News
82. 100k Club: Top English-language news publishers reach 28m paying online readers | PressGazette
83. 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2021 | MIT Technology Review
84. Steve Bannon Knows Exactly What He’s Doing | The Atlantic
85. ¿Qué es el metaverso? Un niño de ocho años lo explica | The New York Times
86. Facebook Stopped Employees From Reading An Internal Report About Its Role In The Insurrection | BuzzFeed News
87. 90 Seconds of Rage | The New York Times
88. China Secretly Built A Vast New Infrastructure To Imprison Muslims | BuzzFeed News
89. Donald Trump’s January 6. The view from inside the Oval Office | NY Magazine
90. Changing Newsrooms 2021: hybrid working and improving diversity remain twin challenges for publishers | Reuters Institute
91. We Haven’t Reached ‘Peak Newsletter.’ Not by a Long Shot | Politico
92. Francesca Bria: «The future should be digital, democratic and zero emissions» | UOC News
93. IA y el periodismo | La Vanguardia
94. Eight things we learned from the Facebook Papers | The Verge
95. I get abuse and threats online – why can’t it be stopped? | BBC News
96. The creator economy is failing to spread the wealth | Axios
97. Forming a community advisory board for your newsroom | American Press Institute
98. How Facebook and Google fund global misinformation | MIT Technology Review
99. 5 Journalism Tips from Edwy Plenel | Global Investigative Journalism Network
100. Journalism isn’t who you are. It’s what you do | Poynter
📀 Y algunos bonus track para seguir disfrutando por si te has quedado con hambre:
101. Maria Ressa: «Journalists can’t strengthen democracy from an ivory tower. They have to harness their community» | Reuters Institute
102. Así uso Notion para la curatoría de mi boletín Sala de herramientas | Patricio Contreras
103. 16 Valuable Things A Brand Can Achieve With A Newsletter | Forbes
104. Why Would People Listen To Podcasts On The ‘Tube? | Tom Webster
105. To Cover World War II, These Women Journalists Fought Sexism at Home | The New York Times
106. What influencer marketing looks like in the metaverse | Vogue Business
107. Construir comunidades, el gran desafío de los medios para 2022 | MiquelPellicer.com
108. Since 2005, about 2,200 local newspapers across America have closed. Here are some of the stories in danger of being lost — as told by local journalists | The Washington Post
109. B4kunAs del k0b1d: así se camufla la desinformación sobre la pandemia en las principales redes sociales | El País
110. Metaverso: antecedentes transmedia y la semántica ciberpunk | COMeIN
111. The 25-year-old who created a $40 million newsletter you’ve never heard of | Solo Capitalist
112. Twitter Has a New CEO; What About a New Business Model? | Stratechery
113. How The Economist built a successful global reader acquisition channel by bringing its content to life | What’s New in Publishing
114. Perks of Pinterest for publishers | The Fix
115. La ‘increíble’ historia del hombre que se inventó un coma y la lección que deja para las facultades de periodismo | 20 Minutos
116. ¿Una «nueva era dorada» en el periodismo deportivo? Algunos retos pendientes | Periodismo Deportivo de Calidad
117. Recursos para utilizar la Inteligencia Artificial en el periodismo | Blog Master en Innovación en Periodismo (MIP)
118. A retrospective on a decade of innovations | The Guardian
119. The 32 Most Defining Memes Of 2021 | BuzzFeed News